Your questions
answered |
"What are the benefits of using Astre?"
- Improved cash flow and reduction in debtor days
- More cost-effective credit control, performed by more experienced and skilled
controllers, than you have in-house
- No need to recruit specialist credit controllers or manage their sickness/absence
- Real-time view of collector notes per customer, updated daily
- Seamless extension of your business delivered in your name
- Improved customer relationships and professional image
- More cash in the bank, less tied up in debtors
"Will our customers think they are being contacted by Astre Credit Control
- Not necessarily. If you wish, we will use your company's identity, letterhead,
compliment slips, etc.
"Will our clients still pay direct to us?"
- Yes, all your client payments are made direct to you.
"Could using your services affect customer relations with our existing
- We understand that your customer relationships are of paramount importance.
That's why we use a friendly and professional approach at all times.
"What size companies use your services?"
" We have collected for limited companies of all sizes, including sole traders,
and from a wide range of industries. No ledger is too small or too large for us.
"Will I lose control if I outsource to you?"
- No, there is complete transparency with everything we do.
"How soon would you be able to take control of our ledger?"
- We can usually start work on your ledger within one week following our
meeting with you.
"What would you need from us?"
- Current aged debtor lists
- Your debtor contact details
- Your headed stationery
- Daily payment updates
- Copy invoices & statements (when we request them)
- A person to contact regarding any ongoing questions we may have
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